Challenging and promoting scout volunteers to become agents of change in their local communities, nationally and internationally based on the Scout Oath and Laws.

ISVG was formed at the beginning of 2020 when adult scout leaders and guides from different countries and organizations who stayed at home during the Covid-19 pandemic communicated with each other on social media.

The conversations between trained Scout Leaders from 7 countries led to the formation of ISVG; Dr. Dikpal Keshari Baidya from Canada, Dr. Vinutthaput Popet from Thailand, Mr. Raul Hernandez from the USA, Ms. Vida Kotarac from Serbia, Mr. Mounir Chaoui from Tunisia, Mr. Ashraf Osman Nsr from Egypt, and Mr. Shige Takahashi from Japan.

They shared their scouting knowledge and experiences with each other that later turned into regular online conferences, training on subjects of interest to scouting, and in a short time, with the participation of many different countries, the movement reached thousands of Scouters.

Upon the request of the participants, it was institutionalized as an international scoutmaster organization based in Toronto, Canada in January 2021.

Learn  for Life, Teach for Scouting

Up coming ISVG YouTube Channel Live Streaming

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Come & Join next ISVG Online Course
“International Scout Open University”
Sunday,March26,2023 at 12 PM (UTC)

Register by the link

Meeting ID: 386 642 1790
Passcode: 123456

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Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature, Environment and Sustainability

Educating and empowering Scouts to protect the environment.

Messengers of Peace

Make the world a better place and inspire others to do even more by being a Messenger of Peace!

Inside ISVG learning

ISVG Online Course : Running Effective Meetings.

February 5, 2022. ISVG had provided an online course under the topic “Running Effective Meetings.” The objective is to train and equip knowledge for ISVG member to adjust in organization. Mr.Jaywunt Tannoo, the former Chief Commissioner Mauritius Scout Association, was the honorable keynote speaker.

Meetings are vitally important for every organizations and for its members. Meeting helps people to feel included, trusted and to feel that they are important members of a team. Meetings give important opportunities for the team members to contribute their ideas and also letting them know what are expected from them…

…. much more we learned from the course…….

On the behalf of ISVG Central management would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Brother Jaywunt Tannoo, your lecture is so wonderful and useful for us. Also many thanks all participants , your joining us make ISVG so meaningful. We will learn together for Scouting.


Former Chief Commissioner Mauritius Scout Association. 

keynote speaker